Can we add access arrangements for only certain exams or subjects?

In Arbor, rather than setting access arrangements for specific subjects, you can choose whether an access arrangement the student is given applies or is disapplied for each exam. For example, you can set that they need a scribe for their English exams only.

Please note that this feature can only be used with external exams, not in-house exams. In-house access arrangements apply to all in-house exams.

Step 1 - Add the access arrangement

The first step is to add the student's access arrangement following these instructions: Adding a new Access Arrangement

Step 2 - Toggle whether the access arrangement applies

Next, you need to set for each exam whether the access arrangement applies or not. This will be on by default, but you can set the access arrangement to not apply for each exam.

Go to Students > Examinations > Scheduling > Allocate Exam Rooms and select the exam.



Click on the access arrangement field for the student.



In the slide over, you can choose to set this access arrangement to not apply to this exam.

The access arrangement and extra time percentage will no longer show for this exam, including in printouts for the selected exam. The access arrangement will still show for other exams and printouts.


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