Arbor Support Team
Groupcall API Switch over process guide
This guide is intended for schools and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) transitioning their data from SIMS to Arbor using the Groupcall API. Carefully follow these steps and consider the recommendations...
Onboarding Video - New MIS Setup
To get you started on your Arbor onboarding journey, one of the first things you’ll need to do is watch your ‘Welcome to Arbor Onboarding’ video. This will also be provided to you in your 1st email...
Training for Manual Migration Schools
Please note This guide is for schools that are moving to Arbor from an MIS that we don't currently have an automatic migrator tool (e.g. SchoolPod). Please note the following can vary for a GroupC...
Manual Migration FAQs
Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migra...
Readiness for Go Live - Manual Migration Schools
Please note! This guide is for schools that are moving to Arbor from an existing MIS that we don't have a migration tool for. Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we ar...
How to Manage Risk When Moving to Arbor
Projects by their very nature can be inherently risky, with multiple moving parts all happening at once, and it can sometimes be difficult to keep tabs of exactly what is happening. Risks are typic...
Week by Week Guide - New MIS Setup
Welcome to Arbor! Congratulations on choosing Arbor as your new MIS and welcome to the Arbor community of schools. If you’re a new school that is opening soon or a school that doesn’t currently use...
Readiness for Go-Live Checklist - New MIS Setup
Please note This guide is for schools that are moving to Arbor and don't currently have an MIS or new school schools that are opening soon. It’s nearly time to start taking attendance in Arbor! W...
Migrating your Timetable
This article guides schools migrating their timetables to Arbor from various Management Information Systems (MIS). It outlines steps for managing the transition depending on the current software us...
Week by week guide for the Brand New School Extended Journey
This article provides a detailed week-by-week onboarding guide for new schools using the Arbor MIS, outlining tasks and training to be completed over 12 weeks to ensure a smooth transition and effe...