Workforce Census Summary Inspection

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This article provides a detailed guide on how to access and inspect the Workforce Census summary inspection in Arbor. It outlines the steps to view the summary, the limitations on data reporting set by the DfE, and the various tables included. 

You can view and check your Workforce Census summary live without having to download it as a PDF.

Go to School > Data > Export > Data Returns. Click the Workforce Census, then click DfE Census Summary Inspection on the right side of the page.

This will display your Workforce Census Summary online, in Arbor.

  • The tables that appear here are set by the DfE. As such, we are not able to add additional columns
  • The DfE may not want MISs to report on certain data points in the summary inspection, even if they are output in the census file. For more information on these data points, please contact the DfE.

By clicking on any orange number, you can view the data behind the figure. Please note that it is not possible to print these lists, but you can take a screenshot or copy the lists into a document to print.

If you notice any information on the Summary Inspection is not appearing as expected, please first ensure that you regenerate your census to make sure that the information is up to date and accurately reflects the information on your school site.

Table A: Staff records and contracts/service agreements

This table contains the basic details for your staff numbers, including total staff records and the number of contracts recorded.

Table B: Missing staff details

This table shows any staff members with personal details missing on their profiles. This does not include staff members who have been excluded from the workforce census.

Table C: Missing contract/service agreement data

This table lists any staff profiles that are missing contracts or service agreements. This does not include staff members who have been excluded from the workforce census.

Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service as at census reference date

This table lists all of your staff members and whether or not they have a Qualified Teacher or a Higher Level Teaching Assistant status. 

Table E: Ethnicity of staff in regular service as at census reference date

This table shows the number of staff who have an Ethnic Code recorded on their profile. If staff members do not have an Ethnic Code recorded, you can click the orange number in the Ethnicity is null or blank row and click on their name to go to their profile. From there, click on the Ethnicity field in the Identity section at the top of their profile and input the relevant information.

Table F: Disability status of staff in regular service as of census reference date

This table shows the number of staff members with a disability recorded on their staff profile. 

Table G: Early Career Teachers in regular service as of census reference date

This table gathers information on staff members who are Newly Qualified Teachers (new teachers within their first two years). The table breaks down staff members in their first and second year of induction.

Table H: All current contracted staff in regular service as at census reference date

This table shows the number of staff members holding each post. If a staff member has more than one post, they will be recorded more than once.

Table I: Types of contract and agreements open for staff in regular service on census reference date

This table shows staff recorded as having permanent, fixed-term, or temporary contracts.

Table J: Summary of pay review dates

This table denotes whether a staff member's pay review date is from 1st September or later, or from 1st of September to 31st of August in the previous academic year.

Table K: Summary of pay frameworks

This table denotes if a pay framework is from 2014 onwards, or before 2014.

Table L: Number of open agreements on census reference date paid by daily rates

This table shows the number of open agreements for staff members where a daily rate is used.

Table N: Number of third-party support staff in school on census reference date

This table shows the number of external staff (e.g. agency) on the census reference date.

Table O: Sickness and pregnancy related absence for the previous academic year

this table records the number of staff who have had sickness or pregnancy-based absences in the previous academic year. This is only for teaching staff and not other administrative staff.

Table P: Types of absence (other than sickness or pregnancy related) taken during the previous academic year

This table collects all other absences that are not from sickness or pregnancy that would otherwise be collected in Table O. This is only for teaching staff and not other administrative staff.

Table Q: Number of regular teachers and teaching assistants delivering the curriculum by NC year group

This table shows each curriculum and the staff members teaching them, and breaks the information down into subjects and year groups.

Table R: Number of hours spent by teachers and teaching assistants delivering the curriculum by NC year group

This table denotes the number of hours teaching staff have spent teaching the curriculum. Curriculum data is only collected from secondary schools, middle-deemed secondary schools and all-through schools. All-through schools only need to supply this data for NC year groups 5 and above, and any other school phase will display only 0's in this table.

Table S: Vacancies as at census reference date

This table will show and posts where a vacancy is available. if you have no vacancies, it is expected for this to flag as a query in the workforce census and you would need to submit a validation note with your census.

Table T: Number of occasional teachers in school on census reference date

This table denotes the number of occasional teachers (e.g. supply staff) at your school on the census reference date.

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