Record and submit an observation

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Arbor's Observations feature enables users to record and submit various types of observations, such as lesson observations and learning walks. Users must set up Observation Types and Templates before recording. Permissions determine whether users can log their own observations or those of others. Observations can be saved for later editing or submitted for visibility to authorized staff. Users can also delete observations through a bulk action.

Arbor's Observations feature allows you to record and act on observation outcomes for a variety of different types of observations. You have the freedom to define the Observation Types (such as a formal lesson observation, a learning walk or workbook scrutiny) and Grade Sets.


  • Record My Observation - Log an observation for myself, either as the observer or person being observed.
  • Record Any Observation - Log an observation for any staff.

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


What you'll need before getting started

To be able to record observations, you must have first set up an Observation Type, including the Grade Set, and a corresponding Observation Template.


Recording an observation

Once you have done this, go to School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > My Recorded Observations to record an observation. Click the green button to record an observation.



On the next page, choose which Template to use, then click Next. If you cannot select an observation form, this means no forms have been set up.



Then you can select the person and lesson to review.

To be able to select a lesson to observe, make sure the staff member you want to review is the assigned to the lesson being observed, and that the date you have selected for the observation is a day the lesson takes place on.



At the bottom of the page, fill in the Grade and Comment if required for each strand of each theme.



Once you have filled in all the information you have two options:

  • Save - Click this you want to save the observation for later editing so that other staff members cannot see the details.
  • Submit - Click this you want to save and submit the observation to your school. This will mean the results will be viewable by all staff members with permission to see it and will contribute to the analysis statistics. 

Submitting your observation

To return to the Observation to submit it, go to School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > My Recorded Observations and click the observation.



Clicking on the observation from this page gives you the option to edit the information by clicking Edit, or submit the observation by clicking Submit. You will then no longer be able to edit it.



It will then show as submitted.



It will also be available to view in All Observations.



Deleting an observation

Go to School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > All Observations. Tick the box next to the observations you want to delete, then click the Bulk action button.


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