
Aiden Gaughan

  • Total activity 249
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  • Votes 3
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Latest activity by Aiden Gaughan
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Error 2975

    Number of weeks which regular childcare provision is open is missing or out of the range 1 to 15 Arbor Solution: Go to School > School Details Scroll to the Child Care Places section In the slid...

    • Edited
    • 1 follower
    • -2 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Query 2965Q

    Please check: Closing time is expected to be within the range 16:00 to 20:00. For After School, Holiday and Under 5 childcare types, please make sure the closing time is after 4pm but before 8pm. F...

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    • 1 follower
    • -8 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Query 2960Q

    Opening time is expected to be within the range 06:00 to 09:00 Go to School > School Details Scroll to the Child Care Places Click into the childcare option Make sure that the Opening Times ar...

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    • 1 follower
    • -1 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Query 1873Q

    Please check: No pupils currently on roll are recorded as being in receipt of the 16-19 bursary - Are you sure? If this is correct submit a validation note. If this is not correct, you can see how...

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    • -1 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Error 2900

    Details of whether Childcare is provided on site is missing Arbor Solution: Go to School > School Details > Child Care Places Click into any existing records and ensure the 'Child Care on site' li...

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    • 1 follower
    • 0 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Query 1330Q

    Please check: Free school meals taken equals zero. Your school has one or more pupils who are eligible for free school meals Follow these instructions to add the number of free meals taken: On-the...

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    • 1 follower
    • -1 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Error 1220

    Class with no pupils Arbor Solution: Go to the Census Click on Classes on the left-hand menu. Ensure that all classes have a value for Guest Pupils and Home Pupils It's expected there is at least...

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    • 1 follower
    • 0 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Error 1210

    Number of guest pupils in class is missing Arbor Solution: Go to the Census. Click on Classes on the left-hand menu. Ensure that all classes have a value for Guest Pupils. The value can be zero, ...

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    • 1 follower
    • 0 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Error 1140

    Class year group is missing, or invalid for this phase of school Arbor Solution: Head to School > Programmes > Courses Click Table View on the left Check for any Classes that do not have a value i...

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    • 1 follower
    • 0 votes
  • Aiden Gaughan created an article,

    Query 1110Q

    Please check: No support staff reported for any class. It is expected that at least one of your classes has a member of Support Staff. Go to the Census. Click on Classes on the left-hand menu. Ens...

    • Edited
    • -3 votes