How a teacher can take attendance and the meal register

In this article we'll show you how to get to the register, take attendance for your class, and input the meal register. This is the process if you are the regular teacher, or have been assigned through the Cover area.

Please note: We advise you not to display the register on your SmartBoard as any comments or notes contained within the register will be visible to all class students.

Finding the register

On your home screen, you will see a box on the left-hand side called My Calendar as seen below.



You can also go to My items > My Calendar.

From here, click on the class which you'd like to take the register for, which will lead you to the lesson overview. 



From the lesson overview, you can select the Take register option, which will open your class register!

Or you can go to My Items > My Classes and select your next lesson from here.

Note: If you are taking a class for another teacher, use the search box to find the teacher, then click their calendar on the left and select the class.



Taking the register

The display can be switched to List view or Profile view by clicking on the respective button:

  • To take attendance in list view, click on the drop-down list next to each student name and select the appropriate mark.
  • To take attendance in profile view, click on the appropriate mark. 

You can also choose to skip to the next student by clicking on Skip.



On the right-hand side you can see either the student's past attendance for today or for the week, depending on what your school has set up. 



To add a mark, click Absent, Late or Present.



If you mark a student as Absent you'll see a pop up where you can select the absent mark. If your school has chosen to restrict the available attendance marks, you might not be able to select between all absence marks.



If you mark a student as late, you can input how late the student was.



The quickest way to enter marks for your present students is to click the Mark All Blanks as Present button, either at the top of the page (if all students are present) or at the bottom once just the absences and lates are entered.

To return to the lesson overview click on Return To Lesson Dashboard.



Taking the meal register

You can take the Meal register to decide which meal each student should be given. What appears here depends on your school's setup:

  • If students are added only as Attendees to the meal, the students will appear on this page - you'll need to add in their meal choice for the day.
  • If students have regular meal choices, these choices will populate on this page.
  • If your school has set up Rotating Meal Menus and the parent has chosen a meal for their child, these choices will populate on this page. If they didn't choose, you can add the child's meal.

Just go to the Lesson Dashboard of your AM class and select Meal Choices from the left-hand menu.

To choose or change meal choices you can either tick the students to mark and select a bulk mark option, or click into a Meal Choice to edit it.



Top Tip: If your school has Meal Menus enabled, you'll see an extra column for Provision label which will show the actual meal taken. When using the Bulk actions, you can select the actual meal for the day.



When should we take the meal register?

Meal registers open at 4 am each day, so you'll be able to see and edit meal choices in your registers at any point.

However, please note though that the Meal Choices selected for students will automatically be based on the attendance mark given to the student in the attendance register:

  • Present - Meal choice will be set to the student's default meal choice, or not filled in if there is no meal choice.
  • Absent - The absent meal choice will be selected if this is set up.

Changing the attendance mark in the register from present to absent, or absent to present will automatically change the meal register choice. You'll need to amend this again if it has overwritten the previous choice.

Because of this, we recommend taking the meal register after you take the attendance register.

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