How can I see attendance statistics for my class?

As a teacher, you can see attendance for the classes you teach.

Attendance Officers can see even more whole school reporting: Attendance by subject or course

Attendance for each student

To view attendance for students in your class, go to School > Programmes > Courses and select your class (you may need to select the +).



You can also click the class in your calendar.



Go to Course > Attendance from the left-hand menu and you'll see all the attendance marks for your class, plus an average for each student.



Can we find the number of days there have been absences?

You can use the table above to find a report of this:

  1. Find how many days out of the month have a tick in every row
  2. Subtract that from the number of days in a month
  3. Check this matches the number of days where a cross appears - this is the number of days out of the month you don't have a full class.


Overall attendance for your class

You can see overall attendance for your class Students > Attendance > Statistics (on the left). You can see more information on using this page here: Viewing statistics for attendance

Please note that you will not be able to see attendance for your class by selecting the class. This will show the overall attendance for students in your class, not the attendance for your class specifically.



To view attendance for each class, choose to show data by Course, and tick the boxes shown below - you must select Lesson Attendance.



You'll then be able to see attendance for your class alongside other classes so you can compare.



Attendance for each student in the class

When searching for the attendance for your class, you will have the ability to manage how the attendance data is displayed. This can be displayed through specific field contents such as per student, house, registration form etc.

To edit this, select the 'Show data by...' tool and you will be given the list of how the data can be displayed. For example, the data can be shown by each student.


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