Planning for your Behaviour Frameworks in Arbor - MAT & Central Teams

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Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Arbor Behavior Frameworks - Considerations for your Central team

Do you already have an aligned behaviour policy within your MAT? If you do, our experts will work with your central team and run a full needs requirements session. This will then be followed by setup training & user training & reporting and analysis.

If your MAT or Group are at a stage where various frameworks/systems are being used across the trust and you want to get alignment in Arbor going forward, it would be great for you to start to have internal conversations around what you want this to look like with your decision making team. If you haven’t already communicated this with schools; now would be a good time to loop them in to your plans and let them know what will happen next.

If schools are going to remain autonomous and continue with their own frameworks we can work with them independently on this.

Your Programme Manager will work with you to review the training you have purchased, talk to you further about how to prepare, who you should get involved and share best practice

Guides, Intro Video & FAQ

To help you get started, we recommend for all staff to start by reading the Behaviour Guide and FAQs. You can also view this short video to introduce you to our behaviour area in Arbor

Behaviour Setup Videos

You can access our full list of behaviour setup demo videos here

Behaviour training

Click here to access our full guide which outlines how we deliver your training in this area and how to book


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Arbor Behavior Frameworks - Considerations for your Central team