Welcome to your Arbor Onboarding Project!

Here are four tasks to complete before your onboarding begins, to give you the best start to the project.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

Please read this guide for information on the roles and responsibilities of staff involved in the move to Arbor MIS.
For each major role - School Project Lead, Executive Sponsor, School Data Manager, IT Support, Training Coordinator and Arbor Champions - have a think about who would be best suited and get them onboard and involved early.

The Project Lead will be your school’s main point of contact with Arbor and will be expected to attend regular progress meetings with your Customer Onboarding Manager, so it’s important to have a good idea of who this person within your school will be prior to starting your onboarding.  

The Project Lead should be a member of your school's Senior Leadership Team, with the ability to make decisions and delegate tasks as required. The Project Lead should be someone who has a good knowledge of the school’s processes, workflows and people. 

Cleanse your Data

Attached to this article is a data cleansing checklist. You’ll need to complete this before your dummy data migration in week 3 of your onboarding journey. To give yourself plenty of time, start working through the tabs now, following the instructions in each section.

Once you start your onboarding journey, your Customer Onboarding Manager will be able to help you with any questions you may have. In the meantime, read our detailed Migration FAQ for more info on the types of data we can migrate across to Arbor.

Module Rollout Plan

During your onboarding journey, you’ll work with your Customer Onboarding Manager to set-up the foundational areas of Arbor, and get to grips with how to use the system. Once you’ve completed your onboarding, our Customer Success and Partnership Teams will help you set up the more complex areas on Arbor, such as behaviour and assessments.

We’ve attached a Module Rollout Plan to this article. Go through the tabs in the document and think about / jot down:

- Which foundational areas of Arbor you need for day one, and which areas you can set up later
- Which third-party applications you’d like replace with Arbor, and which you’d like to keep

Book your Kick-Off Webinar

Your Kick-Off Webinar will go through key information about your Onboarding journey, including processes and key timelines. You will join other schools on this webinar which will be led by one of our Onboarding Managers. 

Please click on a link below to select the best time and date for your Kick Off call in the week commencing Project start. Please note, relevant dates and times for your school may not be available until approximately 1 week before your Onboarding begins.

Click here for AM slots
Click here for PM slots

During this webinar we will go through important information in relation to your onboarding journey.
Our Help Centre is packed with information to support you in your move to Arbor, make sure to check out our secondary school guide here.

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