Training for Brand New Site Setup Schools

Please note

This guide is for schools that are moving to Arbor and don't currently have an MIS or a brand new school opening soon.


We recommend that every school completes training with our expert Training Team, to show you how to get the most out of your new MIS! Now you’re onboarding to Arbor, you’ll need to complete your training sessions. We’ve created this guide to give you an overview of the types of training available.

Brand New School Site Setup Training

These sessions are designed for schools joining Arbor that require setting up a site from scratch e.g a brand new school or a school with no current MIS. The course is made up of 11 modules, you need to complete all modules to complete the course. You can check your Onboarding checklist on the Arbor Training Hub to see when we recommend you should watch each one:

Module 1: Setting up your School Details and Pastoral Structure
  • Creating your Academic Year
  • Checking your School Details
  • Adding a Staff Member
  • Importing Staff Profiles in Bulk
  • Creating your Pastoral Structure
  • Scheduling Registration Sessions
Module 2: Adding & enrolling students
  • Creating an intake season
  • Adding students manually or via CTF
  • Adding students via the applicants module
Module 3: Setting up your school test of learning
A quick test of your knowledge on the modules you’ve completed so far
Module 4: Managing student profiles
  • Finding a Student Profile
  • Managing information on the Student Profiles
  • Enrolling Students from the Profile
  • Transferring Students
  • Unenrolling and re-enrolling students an intake season
Module 5: Managing Guardian Profiles
  • Finding a Guardian profile
  • Creating a new Guardian Profile
  • Linking a Guardian to a Student
  • Guardian Profile Overview
Module 6: Managing Staff Profiles
  • Finding and Navigating Staff Profiles
  • Managing Staff Profile Information
  • Business Roles and Permissions- Overview
  • Managing Business Roles and Permissions from a Staff Profile
  • Staff Working Periods, Employment, and Financial information
Module 7: Managing Profiles test of learning
A quick test of your knowledge on the modules you’ve completed so far
Module 8: Managing Staff absences
  • Logging Staff Absences
  • Analysing Staff Absence
Module 9: Contracts & Pay Scales
  • Creating Allowances
  • Staff Checks
  • Managing Pay Scales
  • Managing Positions
  • Adding Superannuation Schemes
  • Creating Staff Contract
Module 10: Staff HR Test of Learning
A quick test of your knowledge on the modules you’ve completed so far
Module 11: Course Feedback
Let us know how you found this training course!


The sessions should be watched in chronological order. By the end of week 4 of your onboarding journey, you should have watched all 11 modules.

You do not need to book these sessions as you will already be enrolled in them on the Arbor Training Hub. The sessions are recordings so you can watch them whenever is most convenient for you.

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Top Tip!

Start watching your training videos as soon as possible after your project has kicked off to give yourself plenty of time to input your data.

Arbor Academy Training

Your school will have also purchased Arbor Academy training which can be found and booked on the Arbor Training Hub. These courses will start with a number e.g. 001, 002. These sessions will teach beginners how to navigate and use the Arbor system, please see this article for our recommendations regarding when to take each individual session.

Additional Training

Your school may have purchased further training, for example, Behaviour Training to help you set up the behaviour area. If you have purchased any further training your Project Lead will have already been enrolled on these sessions on the Arbor Training Hub and should book training in line with when you would like to adopt this area.

If you have any questions about your training don't hesitate to reach out to your Onboarding Team by clicking Contact Us in the top right of the Help Centre.

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