Migrating from Integris

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This article outlines the process for migrating from Integris to Arbor, detailing how schools can access their unique Secure Upload Portal, confirm migration dates, and ensure their data is prepared for transfer. It includes information on receiving login credentials and the steps to accept terms and conditions before the migration occurs.

To ensure you have as smooth an experience as possible when moving from Integris to Arbor, we will work closely with Integris to transfer your data.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Providing access to your data

Logging into your Secure Portal

Each school moving from Integris to Arbor is given a unique ‘Secure Upload Portal’, which they can use to confirm when they would like to move to Arbor and have performed the necessary data checks we recommend in Integris to ensure data is tidy and stored in the correct place. 

8 days before your booked migration slot, you will receive two emails from Arbor:

  1. The first email will contain a link to your school's unique secure portal and a username you will use to log into the portal.
  2. The second email will contain the password to log in to the portal.

Arbor will send these emails to your nominated Data Uploader (this is usually your school Project Lead but they can be sent on to another appropriate staff member/IT Lead if needed).

You should expect to receive access to your Secure Portal during week 3 of your onboarding journey. If you have not received your email by then, please click Contact Us in the top right of the Help Centre and select Onboarding, migration and moving to Arbor.

Enter your details into the Secure Portal

To start the migration you'll need to log in to your Secure Upload Portal and follow the instructions listed on the page. You will be asked to: 

  1. Tick that you accept our Terms and Conditions
  2. Tick that you have cleansed and checked your data

Note: If you log into the portal and accept the T&Cs on a date before your booked migration day, we will take the data from Integris on the evening of your migration.


That’s it! Now you just need to sit back and relax. Unless there is a problem, the next you will hear from us is when your new Arbor site is ready!



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