Class Lists - Enrolment numbers and demographic breakdowns of student groups

The Enrolment section can be used to see which students are enrolled in which student groups, and take a look at the demographic breakdown statistics of each class.

You can print your lists by clicking the Download button in any table.

Want to create a report of students in a certain year, year group, registration form, class, custom group, applicant intake season, trip, club or teaching group? See this article: Downloading a list of students in a particular group


What class a student is enrolled in for a particular subject

You can see which students are in which courses and top-level subjects as of today.

1. Go to School > Programmes > Courses

2. Select the Course 

3. Select the Membership option on the lefthand panel

You can now view the courses and class memberships.

You can't edit enrolment from here, but you can filter by student group or course, check for gaps, or download the whole table!



4. Click on the green Filters near the top of the page.

5. Select the Student group in the Students who are section if there is a particular year group or another student group you want to show.

6. Select which subject you want to show - in this example, we are looking at the Year 8 Mathematics classes.

Please note that this page will not display enrolments if the course does not have any modules underneath the top-level course. This is because this page shows enrolments into the modules.

You can check whether your course has modules from the Overview page in the left-hand menu. Courses without modules won't have a + next to their name.



Class lists for all classes and the students in them

If you have a nursery

If you have a nursery, you'll likely have a different class set up for each register e.g. Monday AM, Monday PM etc. You would need to add up the totals of all your classes to get the true number of enrolments in your nursery using the Enrolment pages detailed in this article. 

To group these students, you can either:

Option 1: Create a student list of today's enrolment - either from School > School Structure > Academic Years > Download Student List and collate by Registration Form, or create a student list for one particular year group or registration form.

Option 2: Follow the Custom Report Writer instructions below, substituting a collation for Registration Forms instead of Courses/ Classes. This option gives you more freedom to report on past enrolments, add columns such as pictures, filter your report or share the report.

Other schools

To see a list of all your courses and the students in each class, you can either:

Option 1: Create a student list of today's enrolment - either from School > School Structure > Academic Years > Download Student List and collate by Courses/classes, or create a student list for one particular course or student group.

Option 2: Create a report from School > Custom Report Writer. This option gives you more freedom to report on past enrolments, add columns such as pictures, filter your report or share the report.

To use the Custom Report Writer, you will need to create a new report and add a collation for Courses/classes. Follow this article to create a basic report about Students. Step 8 outlines how to add a collation.

You can also change the date of the collation if you want to look at past enrolment, for example, you can set the Relative dates to the Previous term.



The report will group together all the students in each bottom-level course. This is an example page of what your report will look like in a PDF.

There isn't a way to only select the class lists for one subject e.g. only Art classes. You will need to download the report and filter the information outside of Arbor, perhaps in Excel.



Overall enrolment statistics

The Statistics section in Students > Enrolment > Statistics allows Leadership and Administration teams to perform analysis on enrolment statistics when looking through different demographics. You can use this page to get a contextual overview summary of students who are:

  • Different Sexes
  • Pupil Premium
  • Looked after
  • Ethnicities
  • SEN

By default, the Statistics page displays a record for All Enrolled Students alongside the total number of enrolled students. This report may be amended to provide the required information and specify how this is displayed by clicking the filter.



Choose the time frame of data you would like to look into, specify the cohort of students to consider, and assign a grouping option if you want to group by certain student groups.



Use the download button if you want to export your report.



Number of students enrolled in each subject or class

Please follow this article: Number of students enrolled in each subject or class

Numbers of students in years groups, registration forms, classes, houses or teaching groups

To view overviews of any of these student groups, go to School > Enrolment and select the group type from the left-hand menu.

For all of the groups, you can see the ones you have set up for this year (use the drop-down menu to see different years), and the number of students enrolled.



Click into a group to view more details. This will take you to an overview of the selected class, where you can view information such as academic leads, timetable, and students enrolled in the class. For example, here is an overview of a year group.

  • The Registration Forms section lists any classes associated and linked with the particular year group. This registration form may be reviewed through a slide-over by clicking on the class record.
  • The Automatic Enrolment section highlights any student enrolment group that has been linked to the year group. 
  • The Heads of Year section lists any staff members that are linked with the year group. Add a new head of year by clicking +Add. Edit current heads of year by clicking on the record within the section and then on Edit



  • The Former Students section lists any students who are no longer enrolled in the group.
  • The Current Students section lists all students in the group today.



Demographic breakdowns of a Registration Form or Class

You can see the demographic makeup of a class within your school.

If you're a teacher, select the lesson from your calendar.

If you're an admin, you can:

  • Go to Students > Enrolment > Registration Forms > Dashboard > Select a Registration Form > Demographics
  • Go to Students > Enrolment > Courses > Select Course. Click down through the modules until you can select a lesson.
  • Go to School > Programmes > Courses. Click down through the modules until you can select a lesson.
  • Go to Students > Attendance and select the lesson to view a breakdown for, clicking Lesson Overview in the slide over.

Select Demographics from the left-hand menu.



The Demographics page provides a set of statistical analysis on the particular registration form selected. 

The view may be filtered by sex through the drop-down menu at the top of the page.



Demographics displayed are focussed on sex, ethnicity, birth months, native languages, FSM eligibility, SEN, Looked After (In Care) and Child Protection statuses. 



To view the students that make up a particular demographic, click on the arrow beside the demographic field. A slide over containing student names and profile pictures will appear.

You can add the students to an intervention from this slide over, or take other actions. Student profiles can also be accessed by selecting the student name. 


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