Recommended Arbor Finance training for schools

Working within Training Centre, Arbor Finance personal training suite and with our dedicated trainer, via Zoom

Before starting, you will need to logon to the Arbor Finance Training Hub. You should then make sure that you have undertaken the following steps:

  • Log in to your Arbor Finance training Site via (coming on a separate email). From there, access your Arbor Finance Tile – with the training database pre-loaded
  • Explore the menu ribbon at the top of your screen, from Records to System modules.
  • Explore the drop downs to  get a sense of the sections within the above modules.
  • Visit the Arbor Finance Training Hub. Log in and there will be four courses available to you. There is a particular sequence, to ensure your self study aligns with the Live Training Sessions.


You need to be able to focus on training. We schedule live sessions to align to your expected migration and go live dates. The timings shown above are approximate and will depend on how much time you want to spend following along and practicing in your personal Arbor Finance Training Suite.

Once logged into the Arbor Finance Learning Centre you will be able to access your self study modules and book into the live webinars, aligned to your onboarding journey. For example:

  • Live Webinar 1 might be taking place on a Monday afternoon, allowing you time in the previous week, and Monday morning to complete your Session 1 Self Study. 
  • The next Live Webinar you might see may be Wednesday afternoon in the same week, allowing time for Self Study Session 2 
  • Live Webinar 3 will no doubt pop up on Friday, again allowing plenty of time to work through Self Study Session 3.
  • Live Webinar 4 won’t appear til Mon/Tues of the following week, allowing plenty of time to practice in the Reporting area of the course.
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