You can now access Ofsted details for all schools directly within the MAT or LA MIS, including schools not yet using Arbor. This data is publicly available but now consolidated for easy access.
To view this information, go to Institutions > Ofsted Inspections.
The following data sets can be found in this page:
- Establishment Number
- School Phase
- School Type
- Multi Academy Trust Name
- Local Authority
- Ofsted Reading
- IDACI Quintile
- Inspection Type
- Inspection Date
- Overall Effectiveness
- Quality of Education
- Behaviour and Attitudes
- Personal Development
- Effectiveness of Leadership and Management
- Safeguarding is Effective
- Report Link
You can click the Hide columns button at the top-left of the table to hide any of the above if you do not need them for your reporting.
You can also see when this information was last updated beneath the table.
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