Error 2002

Pupil's NC year is not within the range of the school’s lowest and highest NC year

Step 1 - Check the student's enrolment

  1. Go to the student's profile
  2. Go to Enrolment (left side menu)
  3. In the Enrolments for this year section, check if they have a year group
  4. If they don't, click the +Add button
  5. Select the year group, and click Add Student to Year Group

Step 2 - check the class

Top Tip: You'll need the Pastoral Structure: Administer permission. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

  1. Go to Students > Enrolment > Year Groups
  2. Click into the student's year group
  3. Click into the Curriculum Grade field
  4. Make sure the correct year is selected, not Mixed Year Class. Top Tip: If your school is a mainstream school, you will need to make sure there is one year group set up for each group of students - you may need to move students to this new year group.

Remember to regenerate your census to resolve the error.

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