Query 1620Q

This article guides how to identify and resolve duplicate pupil records in Arbor by checking the Data Quality Dashboard and reviewing student identity details. If duplicates are confirmed, users are instructed to submit a validation note.

Please check duplicate pupil records with the same Surname, Forename, Sex and Date of birth.


Arbor Solution: Two duplicate profiles have been identified. 

To check for duplicates go to School > Data > Data Quality Dashboard > Suspected Duplicates > Students. If you spot a duplicate profile follow these steps to fix the query.


If there are no duplicates listed on the dashboard:

  1. Go to the student profile for whom the query is flagging
  2. In the Identity section review the following: a) Surname b) Forename c) Sex d) Date of Birth
  3. If these are correct, use the search bar in the top right of your Arbor site to search for possible duplicate profiles and following the same steps. 
  4. If both profiles are correct you need to submit a validation note.

You can see more about Sex in Arbor here: Sex, Gender and Gender Identity in Arbor and statutory returns

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