How can I view and analyse observations?

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Arbor's Observations feature allows you to record and act on observation outcomes for a variety of different types of observations. You have the freedom to define the Observation Types (such as a formal lesson observation, a learning walk or workbook scrutiny) and Grade Sets.

To be able to see recorded observations, you must have first set up an Observation Type, including the Grade Set, and a corresponding Observation Template. There then must have been observations recorded using that observation form.


  • View My Observations - See observations done for myself, or that I have done.
  • View Any Observations - See all observations.

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Viewing Observations

Viewing my observations

You can view any observations you have submitted, and any observations you have recorded but not submitted yet in  School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > My Recorded Observations.

Here you can also see any observations you have recorded on behalf of another member of staff who conducted the observation.



You can view information on observations you have submitted.



You can view, Edit, Delete or Submit observations you have not yet submitted. The observation will no longer be deletable or editable once it has been submitted.



Viewing observations about me

If you have been observed and your observer has chosen to submit the observation, you will be able to see your observation in School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > Observations About Me.  


Viewing all observations

If you are a member of your school's SLT you can see all submitted observations recorded by going to School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > All Observations.

If you are not a member of SLT, you will be able to view all observations submitted that were conducted by you or observing you.

You can delete observation in bulk from here if needed.



Analysing Observations

Observations Analysis

You can view submitted observation results by going to  School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > Observations Analysis.

First, select the filters at the top of the page. Y ou can choose the date range, people who were observed, the Observation Type and Observation Template, then click Save Changes.



You will then be able to see all the observations that fit into your filters. You can click each observation to view more information. 



Fields will be colour coded:

  • Red - Inadequate
  • Orange - Requires improvement
  • Yellow - Good
  • Green - Outstanding

Please note that colours will not be output for Custom Grade Sets.

You can view charts of the achieved grades for each theme by clicking 'Comparison'.




Observations by Staff Member

You can view the number of observations each staff member has had performed on them by going to  School > All Staff > Staff Development > Observations > Observations by Staff Member.



In the filters, you can select which staff members to include in your results.



How are grades calculated?

Ofsted and Rag Grade Sets are set up so that results will be averaged to round down to produce the 'best' possible score. For these grade sets, a lower number corresponds to a better score.

Ofsted - If you have four scores of Outstanding, Outstanding, Good and Good, 1+1+2+2=6. 6/4=1.5. 1.5 will then be rounded down to 1, so the Average is output as Outstanding.

Grade Value
Outstanding 1
Good 2
Requires Improvement 3
Inadequate 4


RAG - If you have three scores of Red, Green, Green, 3+3+1=7. 7/3=2.33. 2.33 will be rounded down to 2, so the Average is output as Amber.

Grade Value
Green 1
Amber 2
Red 3


The 1-10 Grade Set is set up so that results will be rounded up to produce the average score. For this grade set, a higher number corresponds to a better score. So If you have four scores of 10, 6, 5 and 9, 10+6+5+9=30. 30/4=7.5. This grade will be rounded up to give an overall grade of 8.

Grade Value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10


Custom Grade Sets will automatically round grades up, similar to the 1-10 grade set. During the setup, you will have chosen to either:

  • Assign your worst score to the lowest number to produce the 'best' average. For example 1=bad and 5=good. Two scores of 1 and 2 will average out to 1.5 and be rounded up to 2, producing the best average for your grade scale.
  • Assign your best score to the lowest number to produce the 'worst' average. For example 1=good and 5=bad. Two scores of 1 and 2 will average out to 1.5 and be rounded up to 2, producing the worst average for your grade scale.

For example, I have recorded two scores of Passed (corresponding to a Value of 4) and Failed (corresponding to a Value of 1). 4+1=5. 5/2=2.5. 2.5 will be rounded up to 3, so the Average output will be 'Needs further evaluation'.

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