Log in to a School MIS site through the MAT or LA MIS site


To be able to log into a school MIS through the MAT or LA or LA MIS site you must first have:

  • A staff profile on the MAT or LA MIS site. To see how to add a user click here.
  • The permission to log into school sites (the Login to MIS: Associated institutions permission). For more inforMAT or LAion on permissions and how to add them as part of a Business Role, click here.
  • At least one institution associated with you on your MAT or LA Staff Profile.


Associating a user with an institution

Being associated with an institution allows you to log into their MIS site if you have the right permission.

If a user is not associated with any institutions, this will be shown on their Staff Profile.



You can choose to either:

  • Associate the user to select schools to limit their access.
  • Associate the user with a particular cluster.
  • Associate the user with a combination of the above 2, e.g. your primaries cluster and 2 secondary schools
  • Associate the user with all institutions to allow them to log into every school MIS


Select schools

To associate the user with select schools, click +Add in the Associated Institutions section.



Select the school(s), then click Save.



They will then be associated with these schools.




To associate the user with select clusters, click +Add in the Associated Clusters section.



Select the cluster(s), then click Save.



They will then be associated with these schools.

Please note, you cannot remove a school from the list of associated schools if they have been added from a cluster. You must remove the cluster.



All institutions

To associate the user with every school, change the Associated to all institutions field to Yes, then click Save.



They will then be associated with all schools and clusters.



Logging in to the School MIS

Please note that:

  • you can only log in to the schools that you have been associated with on your Staff Profile.
  • if your institution has Two-factor Authentication (2FA) set up, you won't be prompted for this when logging in from the MAT or LA site into the School site.

From Institutions > Log in to MIS

Click the drop-down menu to select the school, then click the green Login button. You will then be logged in to the school MIS site. What you are able to see and do on this site will depend on the Business Roles and Permissions you have on the MAT or LA MIS.



From the Institution

Go to Institutions > Browse Institutions.

Click on an institution, then click the Log in to MIS button. Please note you'll only see this button if you have been associated with this school on your Staff Profile.


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