Deleting invoices and correcting incorrect initial balances

This article explains how to delete incorrectly set initial balances for student payment accounts, specifically for top-up accounts. It outlines the necessary permissions and steps to delete an invoice, while noting that this process does not apply to credit notes or other account types.

If you have incorrectly set initial balances for students, you can delete the invoice by following the steps below.

Please note that this process:

  • cannot be used for credit notes - if a credit note has been added in error, contact the Arbor Support Team and reference code 1002 or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor 
  • can only be used for top-up type accounts (not clubs or trips).


You'll need the Finance Administer permission to manage balances for payment accounts. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Go to the student's profile and go to the Payments section. Select the account and go to the Invoices page.

Click on the carrying debt forward from old finance system invoice.



Click More information.



Click Delete Invoice.

Please note that you won’t be able to set an initial balance again. You would then need to add an invoice manually to the student profile if the amount was wrong. To do this, please view our guide on Creating invoices.


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