- Can third-party companies access payments data in Arbor?
- Card Payments Troubleshooting and FAQ
- Can we change the dates that a payment top up invoice was made or refunded?
- How is VAT calculated?
- Can we manage Gift Aid in Arbor?
- Can we issue refunds for amounts less than £1?
- There are missing payment accounts
- Can we delete or disable a Customer Account Type?
- What is a voluntary or variable contribution?
- How can we stop using Arbor payments?
- Write off or settle debt for leavers
- Can we offer discounts for payments?
- Can we limit or prevent debt for payment accounts?
- How to change or add a bill Payer
- Can guardians pay using barcodes, such as at PayPoint or PayZone?
- Why is there an extra £1 charge on the card bank statement?
- Payment frequency - When are funds and money from card payments paid out to my bank account?
- What is the minimum amount accepted for card payments?
- Initial balances have been set incorrectly
- Can I give a parent an invoice or receipt showing they have paid?
- Refund leavers or give the money to siblings
- Payment reference - How will I know which payout is from a school on my bank statement?
- Can we take electronic payments in the office?
- Can we issue refunds in bulk?
- Can parents make payments in bulk?
- Who should be put as the controllers/owners and representative?
- Where are refunds paid to and what to do if a refund isn't paid