Activity overview
Latest activity by Jonathan-
Jonathan created an article, Report on Weekly Registration Form Attendance Percentages
This guide details how to see a list of students weekly attendance from the Students > Attendance > Statistics page, collated by Registration Form, in two different formats: lesson attendance (pre...
Jonathan created an article, See and access trips for past years
You may need to access past trips to see things like past balances or participants. To do this, just follow the steps below. Permissions School: Extra Curricular: Administer - Edit school trips...
Jonathan created an article, Find your overall staff absence percentage
This article provides a step-by-step guide to calculate the overall staff absence percentage using a report template. It includes instructions for creating the report, viewing staff absence statist...
Jonathan created an article, See a breakdown of payment methods for a trip
If you need to see the different payment methods for money received from Trips, just follow the steps outlined below. Go to School > Payments > Reconciliation > Money Received. Click into the filt...
Jonathan created an article, Unknown and uncategorised meals and how to fix them
This article provides steps to resolve issues with unknown and uncategorised meals in the school meal system. It highlights checking year group assignments and meal choices to ensure accurate categ...
Jonathan created an article, Creating a Staff Welcome to Arbor Email Template
This guide will show you how to create a welcome to Arbor email to help staff log onto the system for the first time. You may want to do this if you have set staff up over a period of time, but wan...
Jonathan created an article, Deleting invoices and correcting incorrect initial balances
This article explains how to delete incorrectly set initial balances for student payment accounts, specifically for top-up accounts. It outlines the necessary permissions and steps to delete an inv...
Jonathan created an article, Inspect and fix CTFs errors
This article provides guidance on how to inspect and fix errors encountered when uploading CTFs (Common Transfer Files). It covers common issues such as uploading ADT files, missing pupil identifie...
Jonathan created an article, The year group a student joined in is missing
This article explains how to address the issue of missing year group information for students who joined a school using Arbor. It details the steps to add year groups for previous years and enroll ...
Jonathan created an article, Can I turn off Alerts e.g birthday alerts?
Users cannot turn off birthday alerts and other notifications on the homepage, but they can dismiss individual alerts or use the Bulk action button to dismiss multiple alerts at once. On your homep...