This article addresses the 'Invalid credentials' error message encountered when setting up API integrations with third-party apps. It provides troubleshooting steps, including disabling two-factor authentication and ensuring proper user account permissions.
Some third-party apps (e.g. Hodder, Groupcall) will send you to a page to input your Arbor email and password, rather than sending a request for your approval.
When doing so, you might get one of these messages:
- 'Invalid credentials'
- 'No credentials'
- 'You are not authorized to approve apps on behalf of your school'
You may also receive this message which is symptomatic of the same issue relating to two-factor authentication, above.
In these circumstances, please check the following details:
- If you’re using Two-factor authentication or Single sign-on with two-factor authentication at your school or MAT, you'll need to switch this off before you can approve new apps. Please disable two-factor authentication, approve the new apps then switch two-factor authentication back on.
- Make sure that you have an account set up for you on each school site with the School: User Accounts: Administer permission (usually included with the School Administrator business role). MAT staff would need to be set up with a school-level account.
- You need to have logged into the school MIS account at least once and accepted the Terms & Conditions.
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