Week by week guide for the Brand New School Extended Journey

This article provides a detailed week-by-week onboarding guide for new schools using the Arbor MIS, outlining tasks and training to be completed over 12 weeks to ensure a smooth transition and effective use of the system. It emphasizes the importance of data entry, training sessions, and communication with staff throughout the process.

Welcome to Arbor!

Congratulations on choosing Arbor as your new MIS and welcome to the Arbor community of schools.

If you’re a new school that is opening soon or a school that doesn’t currently use an MIS - this guide is for you!

You’ll be setting up your new Arbor MIS over the next 12 weeks, and each week, you’ll get an email from our Onboarding Team with guidance and resources to help you get ready to use Arbor

This week-by-week guide will give you all the information you need to get you up and running on Arbor and taking attendance by week 9.


Phase 1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

What happens this week?

This week is a busy week during your onboarding to Arbor with lots going on to make sure you get the best start to your journey! 

Your Arbor Onboarding Team will reach out via email to say hello and provide you with the information you need to get started with your move to Arbor, such as: 

  • Welcome email containing access to the Arbor training hub so you can complete your Onboarding - Extended course and your blank Arbor site so you can start adding data
  • Access the Arbor Training Hub and begin your brand new site set-up training

Where on the timeline are we?


Actions for this week

    1. Access your blank Arbor MIS using instructions received in an email from the onboarding team
    2. Start the brand new site setup training
    3. Start data entry into Arbor by adding the data that corresponds to your training

Top Tip for Week 1!

Don’t add any data into Arbor until you have watched at least the first site setup module, as you’ll need to add your data into Arbor in a specific order - this will be covered in more detail in the training videos.


Phase 2

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

What happens this week?

Welcome to phase 2! You’ve now finished phase 1 of your onboarding journey, which means this week you’ll start implementing your go live priority operations. These are the modules you need to be able to run in Arbor from the same day you first take attendance.

Over the last 4 weeks you should have:

  • Watched and attended your brand new site setup training to learn how to add your data onto your site 
  • Entered all of the relevant data from your brand new site setup training into your black Arbor 
  • Informed the wider school team of the move to Arbor

Great job!

Where on the timeline are we?


Actions for this week

    1. Access the information provided in relation to the priority modules you deemed important on the survey submitted in week 4
    2. Book and attend additional training you purchased to help with setting up your modules

Top Tip for Week 5!

Use the Help Center to access extra training resources and articles to support the implementation of your go live priority modules.


Phase 3

Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

What happens this week?

It’s Go Live week! This week you should make sure attendance is taken on Arbor and relevant staff feel comfortable accessing and using registers alongside using any go-live priority operations.

Where on the timeline are we?


Actions for this week

    1. Ensure all staff can log into the school Arbor site
    2. Make sure registers are taken on Arbor
    3. Connect third-party applications

Top Tip for Week 9!

Take a look at this article which explains how to troubleshoot logging-in issues for staff.

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