Introduction to DfE statutory assessments in Arbor and key dates

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Important: DfE Statutory Assessment from 23/24 onwards

In line with DfE guidance, End of Key Stage 1 (KS1) Teacher Assessments are no longer required to be collected or reported.

There are no changes in the DfE Assessment area in Arbor. If you won't be administering KS1 assessments, do not set them up.

All other assessments (KS2, Phonics, MTS and EYFSP) continue to be statutory and required.


Where are DfE assessments in Arbor?

We developed a specialised area where you can input and analyse your DfE Assessment data, which is a statutory requirement (excluding End of KS1 Assessment) for schools in England.

  • Add new DfE Assessments, load assessment templates and import results and input marks in Mark Entry
  • See past marks in View Marks
  • Compare this year's results to last year in Analysis
  • Export results as CTFs or Generate PDF reports of results in Export Results.

See the sections below for more links on how to set up and manage these assessments.



Setting up and adding marks

Set up all the relevant standardised assessments for your school. To see how to set up and mark different standardised assessments, follow these guides:

If you want to print your marksheets to check your marks, follow these instructions: Can we download the DfE statutory assessment marksheet to check the data?

Please note that you do not set up the Multiplication Tables Check: How do we set up the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) template?

Sending off your results to the DfE or the Primary Assessment Gateway

On or before the deadline, you'll need to submit your teacher assessment data for KS2 to the Primary Assessment Gateway. To see how to generate your CTFs to submit, click here

Remember when exporting your CTF, leave the Year group field blank if you want all the students that took the test are chosen. If you want to, for example, export your year 1 and year 2 Phonics Screening Check data separately, you would select Year 1 in this field.

Importing and analysing results

For all of the assessments, you can see the marks input by going to DfE Assessments > View Marks.

However, some analysis isn't available in the Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments > Analysis pages until the results have been released by the DfE.

Take a look at how and where to analyse your assessments here: How can I analyse my DfE statutory assessments in Arbor?

Key dates

You can find other important dates and deadlines in the DfE's guidance:

Monday 1st - Wednesday 31st May

If running these assessments (they are optional), this is the testing period for KS1 assessments.

There is no obligation to report these to your LA or the DfE.

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May

This is the testing period for KS2 assessments.

Monday 3rd - Friday 14th June

This is the testing period for the KS2 Multiplication tables check.

Monday 10th - Friday 14th June

This is the testing period for the KS1 Phonics screening check.

Monday 24th June

The threshold mark for the Phonics Screening Check will be available from the DfE. In Arbor, student outcomes will automatically appear on the marksheet based on the raw scores you’ve already put in, and you'll be able to analyse your data.

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) results become available from the Primary Assessment Gateway. To import your results into Arbor:

  1. generate a CTF file from the Primary Assessment Gateway to your computer
  2. import the file - click here to find out how
  3. you’ll then be able to see MTC results on the analysis pages.

Friday 28th June

This is the deadline to submit KS2 results on the Primary Assessment Gateway.

Tuesday 9th July

The KS2 results become available from the Primary Assessment Gateway. To import your results into Arbor:

  1. generate a CTF file from the Primary Assessment Gateway to your computer
  2. import the file - click here to find out how
  3. you’ll then be able to analyse your school results on the Analysis pages.

Sharing results

You can export your results as End of Year Reports or Report Cards if you need to send them parents or guardians. To see how, click here.

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