How to Report on Behaviour Types by Subject

This article explains how to create a custom report in Custom Report Writer to track the total number of behavior types a student has had in a specific subject. It outlines the necessary permissions, steps to add the report column, and how to customize the report for multiple subjects or behavior types.

If you want to see the total number of behaviour types a student has had in a subject you'll be able to create this using Custom Report Writer.


You'll need the General Admin: Export Data permission to create and manage custom reports in Custom Report Writer. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

What you'll need to complete first

You'll add a new report column in Step 3 of creating your custom report, so you'll need to complete Steps 1 & 2 first.

In Step 3 of creating your custom report, you'll need to add the report column Behaviour Type by subject to your report by clicking and dragging to the added columns section on the right.


On the slide-over, you can set the dates, the behaviour type and the subject. The report column will be renamed to the behaviour type you choose rather than displaying as Behaviour Type by subject. If you want to report on multiple subjects or behaviour types you will need to add this column again to set a new subject or behaviour type.


You can add more columns to your report and continue through the rest of the steps to complete your report or select Skip Setup Wizard to skip to the last step where you can click Save & View Report.

This will give you a breakdown of how many incidents a student has had in each subject so you could compare different behaviour types for one subject like below.


Or you could compare the same behaviour types by different subjects like below.

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