How to Report on Formative Curriculum Assessments in the Custom Report Writer

This article explains how to report on formative curriculum assessments using the Custom Report Writer, detailing the necessary permissions and steps to create a report that includes various metrics related to curriculum mastery and marks.

You can report on your formative curriculum assessments using the Custom Report Writer.


  • School: General Admin: Export Data - create a report
  • Students: Assessments: View All/My Students or School: Curriculum: Administer - see assessment data for students

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Creating the report

To create a report of your curriculum mastery, or marks just create a report as shown in this article.

During step 3, type 'curriculum' into the box. You can then click and drag over to the right to report on:

  • Curriculum Mastery %
  • Curriculum Mastery Mark
  • Curriculum Average Mastery %
  • Curriculum Average Mark
  • Curriculum Completion
  • Overall Curriculum Grade
  • % of students with an average curriculum mark
  • % of students with a curriculum mastery
  • Curriculum Mark (By Statement) - report on the latest statement mark to the given date.
  • Curriculum Mark (By Module) - report on the average mark of a module or submodule to the given date.

You can see more information on mastery and calculations here: How is Curriculum Mastery calculated?



In this example, I'm looking at the specific marks for a certain area of the assessment.



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