Report on DfE statutory assessments in the Custom Report Writer

This article explains how to create a report on DfE statutory assessments using the Custom Report Writer. It details the steps to select assessment marks, filter by academic year, and customize the report format. Note that GLD data for 2022 is not available, and users can only report on data from 2019 and earlier.

To create a report of DfE assessments, just create a report as shown in this article. You can report on standardised assessment marks (End of Key Stage 1, End of Key Stage 1, Phonics etc) and the percentages or numbers of students with certain grades.

Please note that it is not currently possible to use the instructions below to report on GLD for 2022 data, only data from 2019 and prior.


To find the right columns, type 'standardised' into the search box, then drag over the column to the right-hand side.



In the slide over, you can either select an academic year from the drop-down, or leave this blank.

  • Selecting a year will then filter the Assessment field to only list assessments that were taken in that year. Make sure you select the Academic Year the students took the assessment, not the current year. For example, if you want to see 2021/2022 year 6's KS1 results, select 2017/2018.
  • Leaving this blank will show you all statutory assessments ever run by your school on Arbor.



Next, select which assessment to look at marks for - the list will be filtered depending on whether you selected a year.



Choose whether to only show results for the selected academic year.

  • Tick this box only include the most recent results from the academic year selected as the overall data range for your report
  • Leave this box unticked to pull in all results for the student if they've taken the test again in multiple years.



Set your additional formatting, then click Save.



You can then further edit or view your report.


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