FSM taken - Error 1320

Error 1320 occurs when the number of free meals taken exceeds the total eligible pupils. To resolve this, ensure accurate recording of eligible students in the Free Meals Taken section, including those in year 3 or above and those entitled to Universal Free School Meals, while excluding those only receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals. Update the number as needed and regenerate the census to fix the error.

Free meals taken exceeds total eligible pupils.



To avoid errors such as 1320 in your census, make sure you've recorded the right number in the Free Meals Taken section of the Meals page on your census.



Make sure the number you are recording in this section includes:

  • Any students in Year 3 and above who are Free School Meals
  • Any students in Year 2 and under who are eligible for Free School Meals (e.g. students who will still be Free School Meals when they stop being Universal Free School Meals)

You can see more details on what to include in this number on the DfE’s website, or in the DfE’s technical specification.

To amend the FSM taken number, just click this number and update the slide over.



Once you regenerate your census, error 1320 should be resolved. However, if you are still getting this error, this will be due to not having logged the right students as Free School Meals. 

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