Creating a report of students' locations for each class

You can produce a report in the Custom Report Writer that shows the location of every student in each period, for the whole day. And it takes just 5 minutes, with no downloads, v-lookups or manual messing about with data!

We've designed these Custom Report Writer fields based on feedback from our schools that they need to produce a list of year 9, including where they are for periods 1, 2 and 3 to take them out of lessons for their immunisation jabs. This is the example we'll use in this article, but you can use these new fields to report any way you wish!

Please note: For this report to work, you will need to have set up periods on your site. Take a look at this article on Creating Timetable Periods for how to do this.


Example - creating an immunisations report

Just go to School > Custom Report Writer and click the Create New Report buttons to get started!

First, add your report name and specify that the report is about students.

Next, select the date range of your report. In my example, I'm choosing a specific date but you could also set this to 'today'. 



In step 3, search for the word 'timetable' in the search box and click and drag the Timetabled event field over to the right-hand side.



In the slide over, select period 1, then click Save.



Next, drag the Timetabled location field over to the right-hand side. In the slide over, select period 1, then click Save



You'll then need to repeat this for the other periods you would also like to show, for example, period 2 and 3 as well.

We then recommend clicking the Skip setup wizard link at the bottom of the page. This will take you to your report editing overview.

In the Filters section, type in NC year 9, select it, then click Add Filter.



In the slide over, click Save without changing the details.



Next, add another filter for Sex, and in the slide over select Female.



Finally, click the Save and View Report button to see your report.

Top Tip: Want to sort students by the class they're in so all students in the same class are grouped together? Just click the column header!


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  • It's not possible to use the timetabled event and timetabled location fields for 'today' though, it forces you to choose a fixed date.  We would like to use these fields in a scheduled attendance report that shows their AM Roll Call Mark for 'today' and their scheduled Period 1 location for 'today'.  You can configure the AM Roll Call Mark to show 'today' but not the timetabled location. 

  • Hi James, that's right. At the moment, you have to select a specific date. But it's great feedback and I can see how this would be useful. So that our product team can see this, please add your comments here.


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