This article provides guidance on how to report student mobility in Arbor, defining mobility as students joining or leaving school outside the normal age range. It explains how to use built-in reports to track the number of students who joined or left, and how to calculate mobility figures for specific year groups. Additionally, it covers using the Custom Report Writer to create detailed reports on student entry and leaving dates, and how to analyze mobile students for assessments.
The DfE agrees in their Managing pupil mobility to maximise learning guidance that mobility is "a child joining or leaving school at a point other than the normal age in which children start or finish their education at that school'.
- We have a built-in demographic to track mobility for certain year groups: Mobile (Y5 & Y6) and Mobile (Y10 & Y11)
- You may wish to report on overall mobility figures in Arbor, or for different groups of students.
Using our built-in reports
- You can see the number of students who joined your school here: See students that have joined my school between two dates
- You can see the number of students who left your school here: Leavers
You can then use these figures, combined with the number of students enrolled in your school, to manually calculate a mobility figure. You would need to do this calculation twice to compare different date ranges.
For both of these pages, you can filter on the Year column to only include students in a certain year group when they joined or left. This will enable you to calculate mobility for a certain year group or key stage.
Using the Custom Report Writer
You can add columns for:
- Entry Date - When the student joined the school
- Leaving Date - The last day the student was enrolled in your school
- Year Group on Joining
- Year Group on leaving
For example, in my report I'm looking at leavers.
You can add a grouping to your report to see total figures of students who left when they were in a certain year group.
To look at only students who have left between certain dates, you can add filters.
Report on Mobile students in analysis e.g. for assessments
If you've identified mobile students based on their joining date (from the Joiners page or a custom report) you can add them to a Custom Group.
You can then use this custom group in our analysis pages.
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