Report on class names, subjects and teachers

This article explains how to report on class names, subjects, and teachers using the built-in reporting tools and the Custom Report Writer. It details steps to access student enrolment data, create reports, and apply filters for specific year groups or subjects.


Built-in reporting

Go to Students > Enrolment, then from the left-hand menu select Courses > Memberships.

This won't show the teacher's names through - you can use the Custom Report Writer (shown below) for this.

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Top Tip: You can add a filter to only look at students in certain year groups, or to look at only certain subjects.

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 09.28.17.png


Custom Report Writer

Creating the report

Create a Custom Report Writer report about: 

  • Students - Use the Class Name (Bottom Level by Subject) field, but note that academic leads (teacher names) are not available.
  • Course Enrolments -  Here you can include the class name, and add a column for Course Leads.

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Set the date range as Today to show current enrolments only. This will prevent duplicates where students have moved between classes in the past.

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Showing only certain courses or subjects

You can add filters for bottom-level course names.

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 09.47.22.png


You can also filter by Subject if you have these set: Bulk set course Subjects

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Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 09.53.25.png

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