Delete a Faculty or Department

You can delete a faculty or department if you've set them up incorrectly.

Deleting faculties

If you only have a faculty set up, or set up with linked departments, you can delete this yourself.

Go to School > School Structure > Faculties and select the faculty.



Click the Faculty Settings button.



Click Delete faculty.



If your faculty has staff or courses linked, you won't be able to click the Delete faculty button.

If you need to delete a faculty that has linked staff or courses, please contact the Arbor Support Team if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.




Deleting departments

If you only have a department set up, or set up with linked faculty, you can delete this yourself.

Go to School > School Structure > Departments and select the department.



Click the Department Settings button.



Click Delete Department.



If your department has staff or courses linked, you won't be able to click the Delete Department button.

If you need to delete a department that has linked staff or courses, please contact the Arbor Support Team if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.




Move a department to a different faculty

If you've linked the department with the wrong faculty, you'll need to remove the link to the faculty and add a link to the correct one.

Go to School > School Structure > Faculties and select the faculty, then in the left hand menu select Departments.

Click on the department and click Remove department link.



You'll then be taken to a page where you can see the end date of the link.

It isn't possible for school staff to completely delete a link, so if you need this to be done, please contact the Arbor Support Team if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.



You'll then need to link the department with the correct faculty from the Departments page.


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