What is Ever 6 on a Student Profile?

A student can be:

  • Ever 6 FSM
  • Ever 6 Service Child

You can see how to add a student as FSM here: Adding Free School Meal (FSM) Eligibility

Ever 6 FSM

This is when a student has a historic FSM status. They will be classed as Ever 6 FSM for 6 years after their FSM eligibility end date. For example, if someone was FSM from 1st September 2018 until 31st October 2020, they will be Ever 6 FSM until 31st October 2026 (6 years after their FSM end date).

Their previous FSM eligibility leads to their Ever 6 FSM status. The Ever 6 FSM status will keep the 'Disadvantaged' and 'Pupil Premium' statuses until their Ever 6 FSM status is over.

This is what the student's Derived Background Indicators could look like for an Ever 6 FSM student.



Ever 6 Service Child

This is when a student has a historic Service Child status. They will be classed as Ever 6 Service Child for 6 years after their Service Child end date. For example, if someone was a Service Child from 18th July 2015 until 12th December 2018, they will be Ever 6 Service Child until 12th December 2024 (6 years after their end date).

This is what the student's Derived Background Indicators could look like for an Ever 6 Service Child.


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  • There is an issue with the Ever 6 status and the Pupil Premium status being linked. If a pupil is picked up on the Pupil Premium census (Oct 2020 this year) as being Ever 6, they will get Pupil Premium for the next financial year - it doesn't stop on the day they hit the end of their Ever 6. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium-allocations-and-conditions-of-grant-2021-to-2022/pupil-premium-conditions-of-grant-2021-to-2022-for-local-authorities

  • Hi @...

    Thanks for commenting on this! 

    In Arbor, the Pupil Premium tag doesn't necessarily mean that the student is or isn't receiving Pupil Premium in the next financial year. Our Pupil Premium tag just indicates whether something exists on the profile that suggests that they may be eligible for Pupil Premium (like an FSM eligibility or a LAC status). if there is a student who ends up receiving Pupil Premium in the next financial year due to them being Ever 6 during the October census then when the DfE product their Pupil Premium Recipients list and this is imported into Arbor this should show up on the student profile and give them the Pupil Premium Recipient tag. 

    If this isn't what you mean, or you have an example on a site that we can investigate - do let us know!


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