Error 4012

The number of hours of tuition must be provided and be greater than zero for pupils recorded as in receipt of National Tutoring Programme (NTP).

If you have recorded a student as being in receipt of School led tutoring funding, or National Tutoring Programme funding you must add their number of tuition hours.

If this error is flagging for students who have National Tutoring Programme (NTP), follow these steps:

If the student has less than 15 minutes of tutoring

When recording tutoring hours (Record the number of tuition hours), the minimum amount accepted is 0.25 hours (15 minutes). This is rounded up to 0.5 hours in the census. Anything under 0.25 is rounded down to 0. You'll need to either:

  • record more hours
  • consider whether this number of hours should count

If the student is in receipt of funding

If the student is in receipt of funding, you'll need to add this to student profiles following these instructions: Record the number of tuition hours

If the student received funding in a previous year, but is no longer in receipt of funding, or has not received any tutoring yet this year

If the student was in receipt of funding in the previous academic year, but is no longer receiving funding, you'll need to end their National Tutoring Programme funding records.

    • Head to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Bulk Update Student Funding Records
    • Use the Student Funding Type toggle to select National Tutoring Programme 
    • Select the student(s) who are no longer receiving the funding, and use the bulk action on the table to Bulk Edit End Date, ensure that the end date set does not fall in the current academic year.

If the student received funding and tutoring last year, and is going to receive tutoring this year, but has not had at least 0.5 hours of tutoring prior to census day, you should:

  • End their existing funding record as of the end of the previous academic year.
  • Add a new funding record for this year, starting as of the first week their tutoring will start.

If the student should not be, or never has been in receipt of funding

If the student should not be in receipt of funding, you should delete the funding from their student profile.

  • Head to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Bulk Update Student Funding Records
  • Use the Student Funding Type toggle to select either School led tutoring programme (Inactive) or National Tutoring Programme 
  • Select the student(s) who are no longer receiving the funding, and use the bulk action on the table to Bulk Delete Student Funding Records
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