How should we promote the Year 6s, Year 11s or Year 13s?

If students have reached the end of their time at the school with you, you can leave them blank when promoting Year Groups. This is due to them not having a year to go into within your school.

  • If you are a Primary school, students only go up to Year 6 before they leave for a secondary school. You won't promote your Year 6s.
  • If you are a Secondary school that isn't also a sixth form/ college, students only go up to Year 11 before they leave to go to a different sixth form, college or other destinations. You won't promote your Year 11s

If you are a Secondary school that offers a sixth form/ college, you should promote your Year 11s into Year 12, but you won't promote your Year 13s as they will be going to university, other education or employment etc.

When promoting your year groups in Arbor, you will always be at least one short. In this example, it is 14 out of 15 as Year 13 haven't been promoted.

As long as all the other students are enrolled into the Year Groups they should be in, you've completed this step and no further action is required.


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