Can't submit ILR because the file is rejected

This article provides guidance on resolving an error when submitting an ILR file that is rejected due to being '.XML' not well formed. It suggests using a compatible application like Sublime to edit the file, specifically changing a serial number to 01 around line 15 and ensuring end digits also reflect this change.

You may receive an error when trying to submit your ILR that '.XML' is not well formed.

To enable you to submit your census, open the file - you will need to download a compatible application to view the file, such as Sublime. Please note that as this is external software, we would be unable to support you with any technical queries regarding this application. 

You will then see a row count on the left-hand side. You can use the slider on the right to quickly find the correct row. You are then able to edit the file from within the application.

There is a serial number that will need changing, around line 15 - change this to 01. Make sure any end digits on the file also say 01.

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