T-levels for the ILR

This article outlines the process for recording T-level qualifications in the Individual Learner Record (ILR). It details the creation of four distinct programmes: T-level Programme Aim, T-level Qualification, Occupational Specialism, and Industry Placement, along with specific requirements for each, including classification and planned hours.

To record T-level qualifications for the ILR for a T-level you need to create 4 different programmes:

  • T-level Programme Aim
  • T-level qualification programme
  • Occupational specialism
  • Industry placement

Use the instructions below, alongside the process for creating programmes: Programmes of Study for the ILR

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T-level Programme Aim

This is a learning aim (programme enrolment) used to record the overall programme aim that will be returned for the T-level in the ILR.

  • Qualification Reference must be ZPROG001 and must be set in the placeholder field.
  • Programme Classification must be set to Programme Aim in order for Planned Hours to be included.

Including Planned Hours informs the ESFA of the number of hours planned for the T-level programme. Alternatively, fill in the Learning & EEP Hours to prevent errors due to missing information in the ILR.

The planned learning hours recorded against the T-level Programme Aim should include:

  • the technical qualification
  • specialist content (occupational specialism)
  • non-qualification activity (EEP)

The planned hours must not include:

  • maths and English delivery
  • industry and work placements
  • other qualifications that are not part of the T-level

T-level Qualification

This is the actual qualification underpinning the T-level.

  • The programme instance must have the appropriate QAN recorded. This can be either via a linked qualification, or a placeholder reference.
  • Programme Classification must be set to Core Aim for this programme enrolment.

Occupational Specialism

This is designed to provide a learner with further skills they need within the employment field that the T-level relates to.

  • The Occupational Specialism must be recorded with an appropriate qualification placeholder reference - these will always begin with ZTLOS.
  • Programme Classification must be set to Component learning aim within a programme.

Industry Placement

Every T-level should consist of a 'substantial' industry placement.

  • The qualification reference must be ZWRKX003.
  • Each learner should have a Work Placement linked to their Industry Placement programme enrolment.
  • The work placement must have the appropriate planned learning hours recorded against it. You don't need to record the planned learning hours against the programme enrolment.
  • Programme Classification must be set to Component learning aim within a programme.
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