Steps to take prior to an Edval Import

If you are importing your timetable via Edval, we'd recommend taking the following steps in Arbor to ensure the smoothest possible experience.

Step 1 - Prepare your timetable in Arbor

Importing a new timetable within an Academic Year

End all timetable slots for courses and non-teaching activities that are scheduled in Edval

Make sure you've added an end date for all your current timetable slots (with the exception of detentions, interventions, meals, internal exclusions and any courses or school events that are not timetabled within Edval) - the Edval import will sync every timetable slot in your Edval timetable file, meaning it will replace all existing timetable slots. 

To end your timetable slots, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to School > Timetable, then Timetable Administration > Timetable Slots. Click the boxes next to the slots you want to end or select all the slots. 
  2. Click the Bulk action button to select Bulk End Timetable Slots
  3. In the slide over, set the End Date to the last day the lessons should run at that time, then  confirm the changes and save them.




Importing a timetable for the next Academic Year

Copy your courses over to the new year using Arbor's New School Year Setup

The timetable import relies on courses from Arbor being matched to courses in Edval, so we strongly recommend copying over your existing courses to the next academic year, as you'll then be able to match them up within Edval.

You can copy your courses over by taking the following steps:

  1. Head to School > School Structure > School Year Setup.
  2. Select Step 6.
  3. Choose option B: Setup and promote Courses, Classes, Teaching Groups and Timetable
  4. Select step 2: Copy Course Containers.
  5. Within step 2, tick the courses you'd like to copy over to the new academic year, then use the bulk actions to bulk copy these over. For convenience, we'd recommend selecting all courses by ticking the checkbox in the top-left of the table, then running through the list and unticking any courses you don't want to copy over.
  6. Once you have copied your courses over to the next academic year, you'll then be ready to import your Arbor courses into Edval - this step ensures that the timetable in Edval is written in against the appropriate courses in Arbor.
Create courses in Arbor for any new courses set up on Edval

If new courses are being timetabled in Edval which aren't part of your current course structure on Arbor yet, you'll need to create these courses in Arbor before importing. This process isn't essential but will reduce the amount of manual work required after syncing your timetable into Arbor. 

  1. Head to School > Programmes and choose (next academic year) Courses.
  2. Click the + icon next to the top-level course under which you need to add a new course - for example, KS3 German. New_Course.png
  3. Once the underlying Year Group courses are shown, click into the Year Group that you need add a course to - for example, Year 7.
  4. When viewing the course, click the +Add button next to Modules to create a new sub-module. Screenshot_2022-12-13_at_12.03.59.png
  5. On the Add New Module slide over, set your the class name as the Module Name - other details such as the Subject and Year Group should be set automatically. Click Add Module to create the new course. Screenshot_2022-12-13_at_12.04.28.png
  6. Once you've added the course, you can head back to School > Programmes > (next academic year) Courses and repeat the above steps for any new courses.
Make sure students are enrolled in your classes

When importing your timetable, we won't automatically enrol students into classes and registers.

Because you create your course structure in Arbor prior to importing your timetable from Edval, we also recommend enrolling students in your classes before importing from Edval.

You can use our bulk enrolment page by going to Students > Enrolment > Courses > Bulk Enrolment. You can see how to enrol students into their registers by following this guide: Bulk enrol students into lesson registers


Step 2 - Check the timetable slots

This step is important if you have ended or deleted any timetable slots because you will be replacing them with a new timetable next term or year.

Once the timetable slots have been deleted, wait at least 30 minutes. This is so all lessons in the background will have been deleted. Check there are no lessons scheduled for a few example courses from School > Programmes > Courses.



What's next?

You can now import from Edval: Importing a timetable from Edval

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