Importing a timetable from Edval

This process applies to all schools using Edval, including those supported by one of our Support Partners.

Before getting started

Contact Edval's support team to let them know you will be importing into Arbor - they will support you with the data you'll need to sync from Arbor, and how to produce your timetable file to import.

Please also follow these instructions, as you may need to create or copy some courses before importing: Steps to take prior to an Edval Import


How do we import?

Importing your new timetable

Contact Edval's support team for instructions on how to sync your timetable to Arbor.

Once your timetable has been imported, please follow these instructions where required: Steps to take after an Edval import

What will be imported?

Expand the section below to see what we currently sync.

From Arbor to Edval
  • Courses and classes (groups that students are taught in, but not the enrolments into those groups)
  • Staff members
  • Rooms
  • Subjects  
From Edval to Arbor

Timetable slots

  • Start time
  • End time
  • Day of week/cycle
  • Frequency (week/cycle) - day of cycle or day or week (depending on 1 or 2 week timetable)
  • Effective date, but not the End date
  • Timetabled Object (whether it is a class or event)

Top Tip: Any double lessons set up in Edval will come into Arbor as one single long lesson. This will not impact cover negatively as you can schedule partial cover, but will mean you can't put the class in a separate room for the second half of the double.

Timetable slot staff

  • Timetable Slot (for the record to be linked to)
  • Staff member
  • No start or end date

Timetable slot rooms

  • Timetable Slot (for the record to be linked to)
  • Location (Room)
  • No start or end date


What should we do if we need to change our timetable?

If you need to make changes to your timetable, please see our guidance here: Should we edit our timetable in Arbor or import a new one?

I can't see the button to push the timetable into Arbor?

This button should be in Edval.

Check you're on Edval version 10.9.9 version or higher. We recommend you also have agreed to have Edval automatically update.

If you don't see this button, please contact Edval.

How can we get help?

All of the steps to create and push your timetable from Edval into Arbor are done in Edval, so please contact the Edval support team if you require assistance or support. 

Once the sync has taken place, you can use our timetabling resources, or contact our Support Team (if supported by Arbor) or your Support Partner for further help.

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