Which demographic indicator tags are shown on student profiles and My Classroom?

On both student profiles and in My Classroom there are a number of demographic indicators, or tags, that are automatically displayed so you're able to quickly gain a more holistic understanding of the student at a glance. 

It is not possible to choose which tags show where - if you don't want students to see them, we recommend not sharing your screen, or using the Student view in My Classroom.




A complete list of all possible tags and their meaning is below.

Tag abbreviation in My Classroom Full identifier name
OAGC Out Of Age Group Cohort
PP Pupil Premium Eligible
  Pupil Premium Recipient (profiles only)
  Has Medical Condition (profiles only)
EYPP Early Years Pupil Premium
FSM Free School Meals
EAL English as an additional language
CP Child Protection
LA Looked After (In Care)
  Service child (profiles only)
  Traveller (profiles only)
  In Year Admission (profiles only)
SEYA School/Early Years Action (My Classroom only)
EHCP Education, Health and Care Plan (My Classroom only)
G+T Gifted & Talented (My Classroom only)
G Gifted
T Talented
SEN Special Educational Needs Support (My Classroom only)
  Young Carer (profiles only)


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