Signing my child up for a Breakfast or After-School Club on the Parent Portal or Parent App

Follow the instructions below to register a child for a wraparound care club using the Parent Portal or Parent App.

Please note that once you have signed up, you will need to contact your school if you would like to cancel participation or would like a refund.

On the Parent Portal On the Parent App

From the main Parent Portal page, scroll down to the Activities section and click on the field with the child’s name and Clubs in.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 10.51.02.png


The All Clubs page will list any clubs the child is currently a member of and any clubs that are currently open for them to join. Click on the appropriate club from the Clubs open to (Child’s Name) list to open up that club’s information page.



The club information page will display membership and timetable information. Any existing membership into the club for the pupil will be displayed. To sign your child up for the club, click on Register For This Club in the top right-hand corner of the page.



In the slide over, choose the membership period to sign up for - this may be a day, a term or the whole academic year, depending on what your school has set up.



Choose which membership periods to sign up to.



Then select which times to sign up to for the club.



Finally, confirm registration.



You will then be returned to the club's information page, where the new membership(s) will now be displayed.





I want to select a different time to attend each week

If your school offers different times you can sign up to, you can only specify one for each day. To change the times for different weeks, sign up for each session one at a time. 

Why hasn't my child been signed up for all the sessions I selected?

Depending on the available sessions, you may not be signed up for all the sessions you select.

  • If your school has a cap on the number of students who can attend a session that is already reached, your child won't be signed up.
  • If your school decides on a cut-off time for signing up to a session, your child won't be signed up if you try to book past the cutoff time.
  • If your school charges for the club but haven't specified the price for the session, you won't be able to book your child on - please contact your school and ask them to add a price for the session.

For all the reasons above, please contact your school and ask them if they can add your child into the session manually.

Topping up your account if your balance is low

If your school requires you to top up funds before signing up, you won't be able to sign up and you'll get an error message.

Here's the message on the Parent Portal.



On the App, it will look like this.

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 09.54.02.png


You will need to return to the club page and click Top up account.

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 09.56.51.png


On the Parent App, you can add the amount to your basket.

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 09.57.49.png


On the Parent Portal, you can choose to pay or add the amount to your basket to pay later.

Top Tip: Can't click the button? Follow this article: I can't click the button to pay?



When you pay, you may have to then authenticate your identity for the payment to go through. This is a requirement of the recently introduced Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulations

If authentication is needed for the payment, you will be prompted to authenticate the payment using the method of authentication your bank supports. This could be:

  • an SMS code,
  • your mobile banking app 
  • another method

For example, here's what it may look like if you're using Monzo. (Please note, we are not affiliated with Monzo, this is purely an example)



Once we've been able to confirm your identity, the payment will be completed and your card will be charged. You'll see confirmation that the transaction has been successful.


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