Meal Menu choices on the Parent Portal or Parent App

If your school has the Meal Menus functionality enabled, you can choose your child's meals in advance using the Meal Choices area!

Please note that once the deadline your school has set passes, you can see, but no longer edit your meal choices - please contact your school if you'd like to change your choice.

On the Parent Portal On the Parent App

From the main Parent Portal page, click Quick Actions and select Meals.



You'll be taken to the Meal Choices page, where you will be presented with a list of Meals that have available menus to choose from. You can see past meals by using the Academic Year drop-down menu. 

Click on a meal.



You can then see the Meal Choices page:

  •  You can see your child's meal account balance at the top - if this balance is negative it will be highlighted in red.
  • You can top up the balance via card payment using the Top up account button. You can see more about topping up here: Reviewing Balances and Adding Top Ups

On the page you can see all future dates you can select a meal for:

  • Deadline passed - the deadline your school has set to make a meal choice has passed and cannot be edited by you. Your child's teacher can amend their choice while taking the register, or you can contact your school if you'd like to change what meal your child is going to have.
  • School holiday - no choices available. Your school has set this day as a non-school day. Please contact your school (please do not contact Arbor) if this is incorrect.
  • No choices made - click to select the meal your child will have.
  • Meal Choice - you've set a meal choice already, but you can click it to change your choice.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 12.00.24.png


When choosing a meal, click on the day. In the slide over, you'll see when the deadline for making your choice is.

You can also select your Meal Choice, and whether to apply this to all future dates. For example if you select Pizza and your school has Pizza as an option every Wednesday and Friday, their choice for every upcoming Wednesday and Friday will be automatically set to be Pizza.



To edit or remove a meal choice that has already made, click on the day to open the edit slide over. Update the meal choice, or click Remove choice to delete the choice and revert it to No choices made.



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