How do we migrate staff Next of Kin?

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We migrate Next of Kin details from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris, Progresso, and ScholarPack.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Why is there a guardian profile for Next of Kin?

When migrating from SIMS, some Next of Kins will also have had an extra guardian profile created. This is due to the way data was stored in SIMS in the past, and isn't something Arbor can resolve on migration.

You can remove these profiles in bulk following these instructions, and the person will still show as Next of Kin on the staff profiles: Deleting guardians with no linked children

Why is the name of this Next of Kin different in Arbor to SIMS?

In SIMS, Next of Kin can have both a forename and a chosen forename (though this second field is hidden). If you were to edit the forename in SIMS, this doesn't edit the chosen forename, so they can be different.

In Arbor, we can only show the chosen forename for Next of Kin. So if the Next of Kin has two names, only the preferred name will be shown in Arbor.

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