How do we migrate staff training?

  • We migrate Training Courses and information on which staff members attended Training Courses from SIMS, Bromcom, Integris and ScholarPack.
  • We also migrate information for training events within training courses from SIMS and Bromcom.

You can see where to view and edit staff training information here: Staff Training

SIMS Training venues

We don't migrate information for the training venue from SIMS. This is because this is a free text value in SIMS that you can enter any value into. In Arbor, the location needs to have been set up as a room.

ScholarPack training dates

You may find the dates on some training courses migrated from ScholarPack to be incorrect. ScholarPack allows you to set both a Training Course date and a Staff attended date. In Arbor, you can only specify the date for the event itself so can only migrate one of the fields.

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