Payment frequency - When are funds and money from card payments paid out to my bank account?

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Arbor processes card payment payouts to bank accounts weekly on Mondays, with a minimum payout threshold of £1 net. If a bank cannot receive a payout, funds are returned to the Stripe Connected Account, which may take up to five business days. Users cannot change the payment frequency or day.

Arbor pays out funds received from card payments to bank accounts every week, on Mondays (minus any refunds).

It is not possible to:

  • change how often payments are made (such as monthly or daily)
  • change which day payments are made on

Most UK banks deposit payouts into your bank account as soon as they are received, though some may take a few extra days to become available.

How are payouts processed?

Stripe will check the available balance before processing payouts, and will adjust transactions as needed to ensure that the transfer is successful.

  • If there is enough money in the Stripe account, the payout will be processed as normal
  • If there is no money in the Stripe account or if the payout amount is negative (e.g. due to refunds), then the payout will be cancelled
  • If there is insufficient funds in the Stripe account, transactions will be rescheduled to the next payout until the payout amount is less than or equal to the remaining balance

For schools with multiple scheduled payouts:

  • If there is enough money for all payouts then they will be processed as normal
  • If there is not enough money for all payouts, but each payout has at least one transaction, then transactions will be rescheduled one by one until there is enough money to process all payouts

What is the minimum amount for funds to be paid out?

The minimum amount that can be paid out to your school bank account would be £1 net - defined as one whole unit in local currency by Stripe.

Please note that a £1 payment from a parent would not hit the minimum value for payout, as the payment would be less than £1 once VAT has been deducted. 

If the minimum amount is not reached, there will be no payout that week.

What if my bank cannot receive a payout?

If your bank account cannot receive a payout for any reason, your bank returns the funds to the Stripe Connected Account created for your school. It can take up to an additional five business days for your bank to return the payout and inform us that it has failed.

Should this occur, check the bank account information you provided was correct. If you have verified the information was correct, contact the Arbor Support Team if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor.

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