Make sure the formatting is the same across all comments and report cards

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This article provides guidelines for maintaining consistent formatting in report card comments to avoid mixed font styles and sizes. It advises staff to avoid changing font settings, use specific paste commands to match styles, and offers steps to reset formatting if needed.

If your staff paste in text with inconsistent formatting or changes the formatting of their comments, your report cards will have a mix of font styles and sizes.

Because of this, we recommend staff follow these tips when completing report cards:

  • Do not change the font or font size when adding Report Card comments
  • When pasting in comments, select Ctrl+Shift+V (on windows) or Paste and Match Style (on a Mac) rather than Paste to remove formatting from the text being pasted to bring it in line with the default settings
  • Try using snippets

Reset formatting

It is not possible to automatically reset formatting on marksheets. However, you can:

  1. Copy the contents of the comment box
  2. Delete the contents
  3. Select Ctrl+Shift+V (on windows) or Paste and Match Style (on a Mac) rather than Paste to remove formatting from the text being pasted to bring it in line with the default settings

If you need to reset the report card formatting, go to your report card and click the grey Reformat Comments button.

Please note that:

  • This will strip all formatting from the report cards, including bullet points, bolding, underlining, font size, colour and type changes.
  • Paragraph breaks created by clicking Enter will be removed, but line breaks created by clicking Shift + Enter will remain.


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