Longer time slots for Guardian Consultations

If guardian consultations have been set up for 10 minutes each but some parents need longer slots, follow the instructions below.


You'll need the Guardian Consultations: Administer permission to perform the steps below - if you don't have this permission you can ask your team to assign it to you using these instructions.


If a Guardian needs a longer or shorter time slot to the time period chosen, you will need to book a custom time slot. It is not possible for guardians to do this. 

  1. Go to Students > Parents & Guardians > Guardian Consultations and select the consultation.
  2. Click into the member of staff the meeting will be with under Meetings.
  3. Find the Student and click their name.
  4. This will bring across the Schedule meeting slide over, click to Book Custom Time Slot.



Fill in the details for the meeting including the start date/time and end date/time then click Book Meeting.


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