Implementation Workbook Guide - New MIS Setup

This guide is for schools that are moving to Arbor and don't currently have an MIS or new school schools that are opening soon.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Welcome to Arbor

Welcome to the first step of your Arbor Onboarding Journey! This guide will tell you how to access and use your Implementation Workbook so your Project Team can track site set up and training progress. 

The Onboarding Team will send you your Implementation Workbook via email. 

1) Key Onboarding Milestones

The first tab of the workbook contains an overview of the tasks you will complete during the 8 week implementation period and when you will need to do these. Don’t worry about memorizing this, we’ll email your weekly tasks over as well!

The table has 3 columns, status, due & owner. Use the status column to indicate whether the task is complete *tick*, In progress *triangle* or delayed *cross*. We’ll have pre-populated the due column to indicate when tasks need to have been completed and the owner column with the person we think would be best to action each one.


2) Set Up Training and Overview

Here you’ll find links to your 5 site set up training session videos. Over the course of these sessions you’ll learn the best ways to enter data into your Arbor system so you’ll soon be ready to take attendance. Take a look at the table below for details of each session!

New School Site Setup

Session Title Description/Content
Part 1: Adding School details and Pastoral structure

Setting up School Details, Adding Academic Years, Creating Pastoral Structure Such as Year Groups and Reg Forms and Scheduling Registration Sessions. We will also show you how to add profiles and business roles for keys staff who will be building the systems.

Part 2: Student Enrolment

How to add students to your site individually, via a CTF import and via our Applicant Template. How to amend Student Enrolments.

Part 3: Students and Guardian Profiles

Adding Data to student profiles to ensure they are census compliant. How to add and manage Guardian Profiles 

Part 4: Staff profiles and Absences

How to manage Staff Profiles. Log and Report on Staff Absences

Part 5: Staff HR and Admin

Creating Staff Contracts, Positions and other employment information, setting up and using Pay Scales, Allowances and Superannuation schemes and managing Staff Checks.


3) Key Documents

The Key Documents tab contains an array of helpful documentation which will aid your success throughout Implementation and going forward! 

In the top left you’ll find the New Site Creation Guide which is a written version of your site set up training to refer to when populating your Arbor site with data.

To the right is Help Centre guidance by module, alongside your Pre Launch / any other additional training the Help Centre is the best place to learn about the new features in your MIS. We have thousands of articles and videos in the Help Centre that have been expertly crafted so you can quickly and easily find the right information.

Finally you’ll see we have also included a link and the details to access our Test Site so you can see what using Arbor will be like once you’re fully set up! This is a great place to encourage staff to go and have a play on Arbor. They can practice day to day tasks like finding information, taking registers and running reports.


4) 3rd Party Applications

3rd Party Applications are any other systems you may use within school that Arbor could work in conjunction with or replace. Either way, you’ll need to let them know, so we’ve added this tab to provide a place to note these down and track which 3rd parties have been contacted about the move and are ready to connect. 3rd Party connections aren’t always instant so we’d always recommend contacting them in plenty of time for your Go Live date to ensure a smooth transition.


Please click here to see how our integrations work and which 3rd parties we integrate with.




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