Remove multiple teachers or staff from Guardian Consultation meetings

If meetings are linked to two members of staff (if teachers have a job share or a Teaching Assistant is also assigned as an academic lead), and one of them has another event in their calendar, such as an absence or lesson, the meetings won't have any bookable slots for the period the absence covers.

You'll need to either find cover for the event in their calendar or change the available staff members for the meeting. Please pick the most suitable scenario from the list below, and follow the instructions.

The guardian consultation will only be done by one teacher

You'll just need to go into the meetings, select all the tick boxes on the left-hand side, then use the bulk actions to change the teacher.



Amend the teacher to just the one teacher, then click the Change Staff button at the bottom of the slide over. You should then be able to book slots.



Teachers will be taking one day each or something similar, with certain guardians assigned

You'll need to amend the individual staff member's availability. To do this, click the staff member in the Meetings section and select the bookable periods field at the top.



In the slide over, click Edit, then you can change the times the staff member is available for, then click Save Changes.



You'll just need to go into the meetings, select all the tick boxes on the left-hand side, then click the Bulk action button to change the teacher so that sessions can be booked with the specific staff member when they are free.

You will need to repeat this process for the other staff member.




Teachers will take random slots

You'll need to make sure:

  • Both staff members' calendars are completely free for the whole duration of the guardian consultation or that cover has been allocated to all of their classes for the full duration of the guardian consultation. You can take a look at our articles on Cover for how to assign cover.
  • Both staff members have the same periods of availability set up, or the meetings won't be bookable.

If you are unable to set cover for staff, you would need to set up two separate guardian consultations. Please note: This will mean parents could book a slot with either teacher or both.

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