Error 2710

Error 2710 indicates that the qualification number is incorrectly formatted or contains invalid characters. It must be 8 characters long, using specific alphanumeric characters or '#'. Users should check the Linked Qualification Award section in the School structure to ensure proper linking or placeholder naming.

The qualification number has invalid characters or is incorrectly formatted. This number must be 8 characters of the following: 0-9, A-Z, a-z or #

1. Go to School > School structure > Programmes of Study

2. Select the programme and the programme instance

3. Click into the Linked Qualification Award section and make sure you have either:

  • linked to an award set up in your qualification offering (see how to set up awards here)
  • Add in a placeholder name and award if the base data for qualification hasn't yet been released. Make sure this is formatted with no spaces before or after, and either the full 12-digit QAN with a / before the last 4 digits, or the first 8 digits only.


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